Boiled potatoes benefits.

 How many minutes to boil potatoes? Anyone who is looking for a way to boil potatoes until they are soft to cook. Such as Baked with Cheese, Potato Salad, Potato Chicken Soup, Mashed, etc. Would like to see how to boil potatoes in this recipe. There are ways to boil whole, cut them in half, boil them with a fryer. And boiled to make mashed with more benefits

Boiled potatoes benefits.

  1. Rich in carbohydrates, protein, and low in calories. Helps to feel full for a long time suitable for people who lose weight
  2. There are various minerals that help maintain strong bones and teeth. Strengthen collagen around joints and cartilage and helps nourish the skin
  3. Contains vitamin B6, which helps nourish and normalize the nervous system and brain. 
  4. Contains vitamin C to help prevent colds scurvy 
  5. lowers blood pressure prevent heart disease UFABET
  6. It is high in fiber which helps relieve constipation. Reduce the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer.

How many calories?

 100 grams of boiled potatoes provide about 80 kcal of energy.

Can boiled potatoes be eaten instead of rice?

 Boiled contain carbohydrates that provide energy. can be eaten instead of rice. It is also high in protein, minerals and certain vitamins. Plus, it’s high in dietary fiber, helping you feel full for a long time and feel full quickly. 100 grams are equal to 1 ladle of rice.